Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Da Vinci

By: Mackenzie L.
The da Vinci is a robot that helps to preform minimally invasive surgeries done by doctors. The robot was  developed by Intuitive Surgical. In 2000 the U.S. Food and drug Administration approved the system to be used. The da Vinci has multiple arms to to assists surgeons and make more precise incisions that don't require the opening of the stomach. Everything a surgeon needs, the robot comes equipped with.The robot is made to make surgery easier but surgeons need extensive training to use the machine.

The da Vinci's minimal work of moving it arms and holding tools, such as, scalps, scissors and bovies is used commonly in prostatectomies and cardiac valve repair. The robot helps to decrease a surgeons chance of injuring a patient with a trembling hand. The robot, also, has a wider range of motion in its wrist then a human. The da Vinci requires a doctor to operate it but is used to help minimize human error.

The da Vinci has many criticisms against it. One, the machine itself is very expensive, coming in just under 2 million dollars. In addition, the cost of maintenance is hundreds of thousands to keep the machine in working condition. Second problem, is that the FDA approved it way to quickly and is similar to another product already-approved. The third problem, is that it takes extensive training. It is very hard for physicians to learn.

The da Vinci is a huge step towards robotics in medicine. As more research and tests are done we can slowly improve experience for the doctor and shorten the recovery time of patients.

"Da Vinci Robotic Surgery – Injuries & Complications." DrugWatch. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
"Da Vinci® Robotic Surgery." Southside OBGYN RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
"Hospital Robots of the Future." The Latest Incarnation of the Da Vinci Surgical System, the Da Vinci Si. The Da Vinci System Has Been Used for a Wide Range of Laparoscopic (keyhole) Surgeries, and Has Been Seen to Reduce Bleeding during Operations and Minimise Post-operative Pain, Scarring and Recovery Time. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.


  1. By: Janae S
    Great post! I think the da vinci machine was a very interesting topic, seeing how it works and the different parts that are included with it. Knowing that this is a new robot machine that doctors can use has their ever been any bad reviews on it?

    1. Yes, there has been bad reviews on it. It is a machine and things can go wrong with it. I'm glad you liked the post.
