Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shifting Perspectives

By: Shane S.

The way we interpret things in life is different to every single individual. We all think differently and behave differently, and as we get older, the way we think changes. We all associate memories with different things, and bad memories can corrupt those memories... but they can also change into something greater. As a kid, hospitals were the last place I wanted to go. It seemed so bleak and sad and the patients there looked miserable. To me, it was a place of sadness and depression, but that changed for me this weekend.

My grandpa is in the hospital with stage 4 kidney failure and over the weekend we went to visit him. He's currently going through a dialysis process to remove waste and fluid from the kidney, which he may have to have done 3 times a week for the rest of his life unfortunately. While I was there visiting, I didn't look at the hospital and patients with sadness, but with hope that I can one day help them.

Being a pre-med student enthralled with the idea of helping people, my perspective changed completely. When I walked through the halls, I had high respect for the doctors, I saw they way they operated, the care they had of their patients, and the work they had to do. I saw that people's lives can be changed for the better. I realized why the people there looked so sad-- no one really wants to have to go to a hospital unless they work there. I, for one, would much rather be at home than in a hospital bed hooked up to multiple machines.  I saw myself in some doctors, saw they care they took to calm the families and the sadness they felt if something didn't go as planned.

As we grow up and start to invest ourselves in careers, we look forward and see ourselves in places we previously didn't. We strive to be those people we dream of, we look at places of not sadness, but of hope. Hope that one day you can be there helping those people or doing those jobs. Life is a confusing place, but eventually it becomes clear why we were put here.

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  1. By Janae S.
    I really like this post a lot because you do change your perspective and view things a different way during life. As for me majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology my perspective changed the way I look at people, I found that everyone has their own issues and difficulties that they go through.

    1. Thank you for the response! It's nice to appreciate the fact that we all the the world in different ways and build our own realities!

  2. I found this post really cool, it is great you have such a passion for what you're going into in the future. The healthcare system is so important and it is so important to have doctors who genuinely care for the patients well being.
    Abbie W

    1. Thank you! Doctor's put in a lot of work to get where they are and it's nice to see people appreciate that.
